Yep, even BART's *Directors* are left on hold by the transit agency
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Last Dec, Opp Now filed a BART public records request for two simple stats from 2023. We got a reply—nine months later. BART Director Debora Allen's also experienced the agency's lack of communication and transparency since elected in 2016. At a recent meeting, Allen revealed she'd been asking BART the same 10 questions over and over for months, without answer. The day after (8.16), General Manager Powers, finally, sent Allen the answers. From YouTube.
Director Debora Allen: So thanks for the presentation. I appreciate you coming back. As I said to you the other day, where are the answers to the RCI that we spent a great deal of time putting together back in April? Director Ames and I, we were assured that there would be a written response; and so far, haven't seen anything.
Assistant General Manager of Operations Shane Edwards: Director, the RCI questions and document, we've just finished the responses, and it's under final review. You should see it very soon.
Director Debora Allen: Okay. So did you get final responses that you needed from VTA?
Assistant General Manager of Operations Shane Edwards: Yes.
Director Debora Allen: Okay, because we've been waiting a very long time for this, and, like, April to—four months is a long time for just 10 questions. So I would actually turn to the General Manager and just ask: Mr. Powers, will I see a response soon?
General Manager Bob Powers: Director Allen, AGM Edwards is on record as saying you'll see the response to the RCI—and it's under final review, Mr Edwards?
Assistant General Manager of Operations Shane Edwards: Yes.
Director Debora Allen: Yes, that's what he said. I heard what he said. I just want to know—
General Manager Bob Powers: I was asking Mr Edwards. Thank you, Director Allen. But so Shane, it's under final review; and as soon as he's done with it, I will get it to the BART Board of Directors, Director Allen.
Director Debora Allen: Immediately?
General Manager Bob Powers: Immediately. As soon as I get it for the second time, Director Allen. I want to be clear to this board, president—
Director Debora Allen: No, you know—
General Manager Bob Powers: Ma'am, can I finish?
Director Lateefah Simon: Yeah, I just want to make sure, I want—
Director Debora Allen: It's getting a little heated, so I'm not sure you should.
Director Lateefah Simon: One of the things that I think that we can move forward is Director Allen is asking for somewhat of a time frame. I promise, sister, I don't mean to talk for you; but I think if we could get some of that and turn the answer for her questions.
In the next quarter? Would it be in the next meeting? Because I understand that you're trying to get myopic and get an understanding of when you're going to get this thing. Do we have an idea around the time?
Director Debora Allen: Thank you, Director Simon. I would like to just say that I have been asking this question over and over, and I have not received responses. So a time frame, thank you, that would be great; and that was why I asked the question immediately. What is the time frame?
General Manager Bob Powers: Director Allen, I'll give you a very specific time frame. Today is August 15th, and it's a Thursday. Close of business on Friday, which is August 16th. That's a time frame.
Director Debora Allen: Excellent. Thank you so much. I appreciate your answer.
Watch the whole thing here.
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