Opinion: In gainsaying the Taxpayer Protection Act, SJCC's opposing its “very employers”
Image by Pikist
Earlier this year at the SJ City Council, Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association (SVTA) board member Elizabeth Brierly advocated for the Taxpayer Protection and Gov't Accountability Act, which would protect Prop 13 against loopholes. For pro-Prop 13 voters like SCC's, Brierly asserts that the Act would empower them to keep gov't in their lane (and, phew, budget).
This is Elizabeth Brierly. I'm a longtime San Jose resident, homeowner, and past president and current board member of Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association, website svtaxpayers.org.
We have endorsed this Taxpayer Protection Act and adopted a resolution, which we provided the clerk via email. We urge you, our representatives in this government by the people, to adopt the resolution that we provided in favor of the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act. It's important, as Mayor Mahan enthusiastically campaigned last fall, we need to get down to basics. When I hear two councilmembers mentioning the 98 core services that we have as a city, that is too many. ...
We need to get back to basics, and we need transparency. This measure would empower voters and taxpayers, not weaken them. That is doublespeak if you think that this will weaken or disempower taxpayers and voters. Please adopt our resolution to support this important measure, and don't be seen as opposing your very employers: the taxpayers. Thank you. (50:24–51:58)
Watch the whole thing here.
Past MV mayor: SJ's gutting of Prop 13 an “overt” push for Big Government
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