☆ Election roundup (1/14): Pleasant surprises re: local voters, campaigns, & media
JJ Feild plays a Mr. Darcy-esque character, Henry Nobley, in 2013 rom-com Austenland. Protagonist Jane believes she's found love with someone else—certainly not this stuck-up British man!—but finds her respect for Henry blossoming into something more over time.
Phew. Another election on the books. Over the next week, we'll be highlighting Opp Now contributors' exclusive takes on (local and statewide) Nov. 2024 wins, flops, and possible next steps. Today, we feature delightful eye-openers from: HJTA's Susan Shelley, Independent Leadership Group's Irene Smith, SJ Housing Commissioner Roberta Moore, and former Palo Alto Mayor Lydia Kou.
Biggest surprise of the election?
Susan Shelley, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association VP of communications: I have to say I was a little bit surprised that Proposition 6 appears to be going down to defeat because there was no formal opposition to it, no campaign against it, and voters simply read the ballot label and rejected it.
Biggest win?
Irene Smith, Independent Leadership Group leader, United Housing Alliance leader: From either a life or an election perspective—I love to watch the underdog. I am thrilled to see an indefatigable spirit that tilts at windmills again and again.
I saw this in the campaign of Ted Stroll. In California, it is mostly unacceptable to be an independent, of which I am a lifelong member. And in Silicon Valley, candidates who have grouped themselves under the title of Republican are often treated impersonally and with a distasteful avoidance. I watched as Ted (R) fearlessly went door-to-door knocking to explain to constituents that there was an alternative to incumbent Ash Kalra (D). May we all be more courageous in our inclusiveness.
When were you most impressed by local media coverage (and Opp Now doesn't count)?
Roberta Moore, San Jose housing commissioner: I was most impressed with Devin Fehey’s (Anchor KPIX 5) coverage of Proposition 5. He interviewed people for and against the proposition. Devin highlighted issues that could be affected if it won or lost. Devin is the first reporter I met from the mainstream media who gives a balanced, unbiased perspective.
Lydia Kou, former Palo Alto mayor: I would say CalMatters. CalMatters appears to be conducting investigative journalism, which is quite helpful and eye-opening. As I have said over and over again, the state legislators cater to special interests and big donors; CalMatters’ reporting confirms it. It's a cabal there.
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